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The Farm at Cape Kidnappers launches a spectacular new website
The Farm at Cape Kidnappers launches a spectacular new website
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The Farm at Cape Kidnappers is the latest luxury property to receive a stunning new website from RéserveGroup.
The new website follows the stylish new format of both the Kauri Cliffs and Matakauri Lodge websites (both sister properties of Cape Kidnappers).
The Cape Kidnappers website features évoSuite Flash image galleries, an interactive golf course map, streaming video, the évoSuite Document Management System, an interactive Google location map, the évoSuite Website Statistics Studio, the E-Marketing Studio, the Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) and more.

Cape Kidnappers, located in the Hawke’s Bay region of New Zealand offers luxury accommodation, indulgent spa treatments and an award-winning golf course.

Visit Cape Kidnappers' new website at

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